forward/insert a message in a reply message buffer
Uwe Brauer
2014-09-04 12:35:51 UTC

I asked this some time ago, but I am not sure whether the following
feature has been implemented:
in a reply/followup buffer I want to insert/forward a message from any
other group something like

For example:

"Message-ID: <CAMErEMjN_Thvq0X4jdRYw2-B02HSrGGJX3LTZJcRwhKPgun=***@mail.gmail.com> Group: nnimap+UCMgmail:INBOX")

Maybe orgmode has some functionality of this sort?

Uwe Brauer
Dave Goldberg
2014-09-05 02:03:19 UTC
Post by Uwe Brauer
I asked this some time ago, but I am not sure whether the following
in a reply/followup buffer I want to insert/forward a message from any
other group something like
Group: nnimap+UCMgmail:INBOX")
Maybe orgmode has some functionality of this sort?
I'm pretty sure I've posted this before. It's very klunky. Only tested with nnimap and nnml. It requires knowing the message number (not message-id) which I solve by displaying it with %N in my customized gnus-summary-line-format.

(defun dsg-message-attach-article (group message)
(list (completing-read
"Group: " gnus-active-hashtb nil
(read-number "Message: ")))
(let ((tmp (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name "*DSGTMP*"))))
(set-buffer tmp)
(gnus-request-article-this-buffer message group))
(mml-attach-buffer (buffer-name tmp) "message/rfc822")))
Dave Goldberg
Uwe Brauer
2014-09-05 11:57:06 UTC
I'm pretty sure I've posted this before. It's very klunky. Only
tested with nnimap and nnml. It requires knowing the message number
(not message-id) which I solve by displaying it with %N in my
customized gnus-summary-line-format.
This is awesome, thanks very much. :-D :-D
Lars: couldn't this be included in gnus mainstream?

I have a similar setting for gnus-summary-line-format, so I am used to

However, just one observation, could this function use marked-messages
instead of the message number which would make it more comfortable?

BTW how is gnus-active-hashtb computed, because in my case it refers
also to some old imap setting I am not using anymore.

Lars Ingebrigtsen
2015-01-27 05:20:29 UTC
Post by Uwe Brauer
I'm pretty sure I've posted this before. It's very klunky. Only
tested with nnimap and nnml. It requires knowing the message number
(not message-id) which I solve by displaying it with %N in my
customized gnus-summary-line-format.
This is awesome, thanks very much. :-D :-D
Lars: couldn't this be included in gnus mainstream?
Having to type the message number makes it rather awkward to use, I
Post by Uwe Brauer
However, just one observation, could this function use marked-messages
instead of the message number which would make it more comfortable?
Or, perhaps, there should be a command to do this the other way? Where
you select an article in a group, and then there's a command "attach
this article to this message buffer"?
(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
bloggy blog http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/
Dave Goldberg
2015-01-28 02:20:34 UTC
Post by Lars Ingebrigtsen
Post by Uwe Brauer
I'm pretty sure I've posted this before. It's very klunky. Only
tested with nnimap and nnml. It requires knowing the message number
(not message-id) which I solve by displaying it with %N in my
customized gnus-summary-line-format.
Hmmm, that looks very familiar ....
Post by Lars Ingebrigtsen
Post by Uwe Brauer
This is awesome, thanks very much. :-D :-D
Lars: couldn't this be included in gnus mainstream?
Having to type the message number makes it rather awkward to use, I
Post by Uwe Brauer
However, just one observation, could this function use marked-messages
instead of the message number which would make it more comfortable?
Or, perhaps, there should be a command to do this the other way? Where
you select an article in a group, and then there's a command "attach
this article to this message buffer"?
That is exactly what I tried to do before punting and attaching by article number - I wanted something along the line of gnus-dired. Unfortunately that is beyond my level of lisp-fu.
Dave Goldberg
Lars Ingebrigtsen
2015-01-29 02:22:46 UTC
Post by Dave Goldberg
Post by Lars Ingebrigtsen
Or, perhaps, there should be a command to do this the other way? Where
you select an article in a group, and then there's a command "attach
this article to this message buffer"?
That is exactly what I tried to do before punting and attaching by
article number - I wanted something along the line of gnus-dired.
Unfortunately that is beyond my level of lisp-fu.
Could you report this as a wishlist bug report, and I'll take a crack at
it later some time...
(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
bloggy blog http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/
Dave Goldberg
2015-01-31 16:47:01 UTC
Post by Lars Ingebrigtsen
Post by Dave Goldberg
Post by Lars Ingebrigtsen
Or, perhaps, there should be a command to do this the other way? Where
you select an article in a group, and then there's a command "attach
this article to this message buffer"?
That is exactly what I tried to do before punting and attaching by
article number - I wanted something along the line of gnus-dired.
Unfortunately that is beyond my level of lisp-fu.
Could you report this as a wishlist bug report, and I'll take a crack at
it later some time...
OK. How do I do that? M-x gnus-bug or someplace else?

Dave Goldberg
Lars Ingebrigtsen
2015-02-05 03:37:52 UTC
Post by Dave Goldberg
OK. How do I do that? M-x gnus-bug or someplace else?
`M-x report-emacs-bug' is best.
(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
bloggy blog http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/