nntp groups fully reloading on each entry
Eric Abrahamsen
2015-05-09 22:15:37 UTC
I just moved my system over to a new computer, copying all my old
configuration files and whatnot into place. Everything's working fine,
except now I find that each time I enter an nntp group, the whole group
is apparently re-downloaded. For larger groups, that means it can take
several minutes just to open the group. The next time I go to open it:
same thing.

My config files are literally exactly the same on this machine as they
are on the last. What could be causing this?

Sivaram Neelakantan
2015-05-12 02:21:37 UTC
Post by Eric Abrahamsen
I just moved my system over to a new computer, copying all my old
configuration files and whatnot into place. Everything's working fine,
except now I find that each time I enter an nntp group, the whole group
is apparently re-downloaded. For larger groups, that means it can take
same thing.
My config files are literally exactly the same on this machine as they
are on the last. What could be causing this?
Try accessing a new group on the server that you didn't have before
and see whether the problem persists. If it does, then there's a
server issue? If it doesn't then there's an issue on your local

I have no idea what's going on your system.

