Nikolaus Rath
2015-07-16 00:14:47 UTC
Package: gnus
If you perform the following steps:
1. Enter an nnimap group with expiry-target set to another nnimap group,
and expiry-wait 'immediate.
2. Select an unread article, mark it as read
3. Also mark the article for expiry
4. Leave the group
.. then the article will be in the target group, but it will still be
As far as I can tell, this is because Gnus is running
nn*-request-expire-articles *before* nn*-request-set-mark rather than
the other way around.
If you perform the following steps:
1. Enter an nnimap group with expiry-target set to another nnimap group,
and expiry-wait 'immediate.
2. Select an unread article, mark it as read
3. Also mark the article for expiry
4. Leave the group
.. then the article will be in the target group, but it will still be
As far as I can tell, this is because Gnus is running
nn*-request-expire-articles *before* nn*-request-set-mark rather than
the other way around.
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Fingerprint: ED31 791B 2C5C 1613 AF38 8B8A D113 FCAC 3C4E 599F
»Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a Banana.«
GPG encrypted emails preferred. Key id: 0xD113FCAC3C4E599F
Fingerprint: ED31 791B 2C5C 1613 AF38 8B8A D113 FCAC 3C4E 599F
»Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a Banana.«