Send from Mac fails
Peter Davis
2015-06-04 17:01:13 UTC
I'm trying to set up a new Mac for gnus, but I can't send messages. When
I try, I get these messages:

Sending via mail...
Opening TLS connection to `smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com'...
Opening TLS connection with `gnutls-cli --insecure -p 80
Opening TLS connection with `gnutls-cli --insecure -p 80
smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com --protocols ssl3'...failed
Opening TLS connection with `openssl s_client -connect
smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com:80 -no_ssl2 -ign_eof'...failed
Opening TLS connection to `smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com'...failed
Sending failed: Unable to contact server

I tried running gnutls-cli (installed via homebrew) from the command
line, and got this:

% gnutls-cli --insecure -p 80 smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com
Processed 0 CA certificate(s).
Resolving 'smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com'...
Connecting to ''...
|<1>| Received record packet of unknown type 72
*** Fatal error: An unexpected TLS packet was received.
*** Handshake has failed
GnuTLS error: An unexpected TLS packet was received.
Peter Davis
The Tech Curmudgeon
Gijs Hillenius
2015-06-05 07:48:57 UTC
Post by Peter Davis
I'm trying to set up a new Mac for gnus, but I can't send
Sending via mail...
Opening TLS connection to `smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com'...
Opening TLS connection with `gnutls-cli --insecure -p 80
port 80? Why is that? try without the -p 80

gnutls-cli --insecure smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com
Processed 0 CA certificate(s).
Resolving 'smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com'...
Connecting to ''...
- Certificate type: X.509
- Got a certificate list of 2 certificates.


- Simple Client Mode:
220 mail.messagingengine.com ESMTP ready
Peter Davis
2015-06-05 10:23:40 UTC
Post by Gijs Hillenius
Post by Peter Davis
I'm trying to set up a new Mac for gnus, but I can't send
Sending via mail...
Opening TLS connection to `smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com'...
Opening TLS connection with `gnutls-cli --insecure -p 80
port 80? Why is that? try without the -p 80
gnutls-cli --insecure smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com
Processed 0 CA certificate(s).
Resolving 'smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com'...
Connecting to ''...
- Certificate type: X.509
- Got a certificate list of 2 certificates.
220 mail.messagingengine.com ESMTP ready
These identical settings work on my other Macs. Fastmail has these
servers set up to get around firewalls that block outgoing connections
to certain ports.

Thank you.
Peter Davis
2015-06-06 16:07:02 UTC
Post by Gijs Hillenius
Post by Peter Davis
I'm trying to set up a new Mac for gnus, but I can't send
Sending via mail...
Opening TLS connection to `smtps-proxy.messagingengine.com'...
Opening TLS connection with `gnutls-cli --insecure -p 80
port 80? Why is that? try without the -p 80
So I tried it without port 80, as Gijs suggested, and it did
work. Thank you, Gijs!

However, on three other Macs, it worked perfectly *with* port 80
specified. I originally started using this to get around a firewall at
work that blocked outgoing SMTP, as suggested here:

Now it appears my new office has some other firewall weirdness going
on. This call failed with -p 80, but worked without it. However, from
home, it worked on the same Mac *with* -p 80. I'm trying to get to the
bottom of this, as I'd like to use the same settings everywhere.

