how to reset gnus back to its defaults?
Sharon Kimble
2014-09-05 12:12:50 UTC
Is it possible to reset all of gnus back to its default settings please?
If so, how?

I feel that everything has got mucked up over a period of time, and if I
could just restart from a blank page things might be easier.

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Debian testing, fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs
Les Harris
2014-09-07 06:05:02 UTC
Post by Sharon Kimble
Is it possible to reset all of gnus back to its default settings please?
If so, how?
Luckily everything is just text configuration files. I don't know what
your exact setup is but remove any configuration you have added in your
init files or emacs customization and you'll get the defaults.

Whenever you add configuration you are overriding default values.
Do they only stand
By ignorance, is that their happy state,
The proof of their obedience and their faith?
Rainer M Krug
2014-09-09 07:02:33 UTC
Post by Les Harris
Post by Sharon Kimble
Is it possible to reset all of gnus back to its default settings please?
If so, how?
Luckily everything is just text configuration files. I don't know what
your exact setup is but remove any configuration you have added in your
init files or emacs customization and you'll get the defaults.
Mainly true - but you can also change settings from within gnus
(e.g. customize group) which are stored in your init.el (?) and I think
there are other files created by GNUS to store settings?

So removing your *manual* configurations you made in your e.g. gnus.el
is trivial and I can't help with the others because I avoid them
(because I don't know where they are stored).


Post by Les Harris
Whenever you add configuration you are overriding default values.
Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
PGP: 0x0F52F982
Eric S Fraga
2014-09-09 09:17:43 UTC
Post by Sharon Kimble
Is it possible to reset all of gnus back to its default settings please?
If so, how?
If you have used emacs' own customisation methods, the customised
variables will be in the file specified by custom-file. If you have not
changed this variable, and hence is nil (the default), the
customisations will be in your user-init-file which is ~/.emacs, again
by default. In whichever file is used, you will see emacs lisp which

;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.

you can delete any line you wish to remove the customisation. You can
also use "M-x customize-group RET gnus RET" to look at all the
variables. Each one can be reset to the default value.

As Rainer does, I also avoid using this approach and set my variables
directly in my .gnus.el file so that I have everything in one place.
: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xFFFCF67D
: in Emacs + Ma Gnus v0.12 + evil-git-fcf84b5
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