error using nnmairix with git Gnus and nnimap
Dan Christensen
2015-05-06 01:38:10 UTC
I just upgraded Gnus from git and now can't enter any nnmairix groups.
Here's the backtrace:

string-match("^[^:]+:" nil)
nnimap-retrieve-group-data-early("rocky" (nil))
nnimap-request-group("zz_mairix-nnmairixsearch-1" "rocky")
apply(nnimap-request-group ("zz_mairix-nnmairixsearch-1" "rocky"))
nnmairix-call-backend("request-group" "zz_mairix-nnmairixsearch-1" "rocky")
nnmairix-request-group-with-article-number-correction("zz_mairix-nnmairixsearch-1" "nnmairix+mairixserver:nnmairixsearch")
nnmairix-request-group("nnmairixsearch" "mairixserver" nil ("nnmairix+mairixserver:nnmairixsearch" 4 nil nil (nnmairix "mairixserver" (nnmairix-backend nnimap) (nnmairix-backend-server "rocky") (nnmairix-mairix-command "mairix") (nnmairix-hidden-folders t) (nnmairix-default-group "nnmairixsearch")) ((numcorr t 47745 47748) (query "test") (display) (folder . "zz_mairix-nnmairixsearch-1") (threads))))
gnus-activate-group("nnmairix+mairixserver:nnmairixsearch" scan nil (nnmairix "mairixserver" (nnmairix-backend nnimap) (nnmairix-backend-server "rocky") (nnmairix-mairix-command "mairix") (nnmairix-hidden-folders t) (nnmairix-default-group "nnmairixsearch")))
call-interactively(gnus-topic-get-new-news-this-topic nil nil)

I was previously using the git version from October 2014. I can bisect
this if needed, but first wanted to check whether anyone else has tried
nnmairix with a recent Gnus. If so, please let me know whether or not
it works for you.

Note that I'm using nnimap, and I saw that there were changes to the
way it handles getting the group data now.

Eric Abrahamsen
2015-05-06 02:00:17 UTC
Post by Dan Christensen
I just upgraded Gnus from git and now can't enter any nnmairix groups.
string-match("^[^:]+:" nil)
nnimap-retrieve-group-data-early("rocky" (nil))
nnimap-request-group("zz_mairix-nnmairixsearch-1" "rocky")
apply(nnimap-request-group ("zz_mairix-nnmairixsearch-1" "rocky"))
nnmairix-call-backend("request-group" "zz_mairix-nnmairixsearch-1" "rocky")
nnmairix-request-group-with-article-number-correction("zz_mairix-nnmairixsearch-1" "nnmairix+mairixserver:nnmairixsearch")
nnmairix-request-group("nnmairixsearch" "mairixserver" nil
("nnmairix+mairixserver:nnmairixsearch" 4 nil nil (nnmairix
"mairixserver" (nnmairix-backend nnimap) (nnmairix-backend-server
"rocky") (nnmairix-mairix-command "mairix") (nnmairix-hidden-folders
t) (nnmairix-default-group "nnmairixsearch")) ((numcorr t 47745 47748)
(query "test") (display) (folder . "zz_mairix-nnmairixsearch-1")
gnus-activate-group("nnmairix+mairixserver:nnmairixsearch" scan nil
(nnmairix "mairixserver" (nnmairix-backend nnimap)
(nnmairix-backend-server "rocky") (nnmairix-mairix-command "mairix")
(nnmairix-hidden-folders t) (nnmairix-default-group
call-interactively(gnus-topic-get-new-news-this-topic nil nil)
I was previously using the git version from October 2014. I can bisect
this if needed, but first wanted to check whether anyone else has tried
nnmairix with a recent Gnus. If so, please let me know whether or not
it works for you.
Note that I'm using nnimap, and I saw that there were changes to the
way it handles getting the group data now.
I don't use nnmairix, but I'm pretty sure I've seen this same error in
other contexts. It doesn't happen reliably, so I've never taken the
trouble to track it down. You're probably right it has something to do
with the recent changes...

